Monday, July 12, 2021

Fireflies and Stars

 July 12, 2021


Last night I turned the lights out in the house where we are living and stood beside the window in the dark and watched the spark of fireflies outside.  Hey were so beautiful and bright and I felt so grateful to Heavenly Father for this creation!  It reminds me of the world we live in.  Sometimes watching the news reports leaves me feeling like our world is getting dark.  I think that like the fireflies, kindness and compassion for our fellow man is like the  sparks in the darkness, and each spark lights up someone who is in need.

We watched a "hallmark" type movie this week and one of the themes was "Home isn't a place, but a feeling".   I've pondered this (especially on my mission) and decided that was probably a true statement.  

The Cat

We have a cat.  No one claims the cat.  I'm pretty sure the cat keeps the mice down out here. Since we arrived, each evening the cat shows up.  The missionaries that were already here gave clear instructions "DON'T FEED THE CAT!"  It wasn't a problem for me, as I am allergic to them.  But they didn't have to listen to it cry in our bedroom window night after night after night.  One night I walked to the window and without even lifting the blinds said, "Kitty, you need to go away.  No one wants you here."  As if understanding my words, the cat left.  I felt haunted by my words.  Do animals understand our words?  The donkey in Numbers 22:28 understood and it complains about Balaam's treatment him.  Joseph Smith himself counseled against treating animal unkindly, so I did the unspeakable and gave the cat some cream.  The cat didn't cry at all.  The cat also seemed lonely.  So I am treating "The Cat" to some milk or cream each evening... and not hearing it cry.  Even bending over to set the bowl down makes my nose itch like there is no tomorrow!  But it feels right to show kindness and we aren't going to sleep to constant crying....

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